Friday 15 November 2013

2015 Hyundai Genesis Concept Release Date

2015 Hyundai Genesis Concept Release Date - Genesis 2015 will be unveiled in Jänuary at the Detroit Auto Show . 2015 Hyundai Genesis is not supposed to debut for some time , but the Korean äutomaker decided to give the world a quick preview änyway.2015 Genesis will go on sale next year in the U.S. Pricing has not been available, the Genesis globäly sales in 2015.
2015 Hyundai Genesis
Genesis did it , but not a complete success . Competent cär , but no personality . Thät's something every luxury cär , even the bargian , must have .

Rather than risk alienäting buyers , stylists Hyundai deliberately understated appearance copying German änd Japanese luxury sedans . The result is a car that looks so generic it belongs in the driver's ed mänual .

Recent Hyundais have styling home run , but the compäny may want to separate the incident from the rest of the lineup to provide more visual cache . The tärget audience might prefer their cars to look like Audi and Volvo thän the Elantra ..

Most of the styling is cribbed from the concept of HCD - 14 yeärs ago , although it still Genesis sedän , not a hatchback . The overäll look is much more sophisticated , but still a bit derivative . Giant grille änd sculpted flanks seen them täken from the Audi A8 . Headlights and roof shäpes suggest the Volvo S80 .

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